
    1. Gross violation of a woman’s integrity | 2019:8 | Trends in the criminal justice system 1998–2017. English summary of Brå report 2019:8

      A study of the offence of gross violation of a woman’s integrity in the criminal justice system and an analysis of what might have caused a visible decrease in the numbers of reported, cleared, and convicted offences.

    2. Invasive photography | 2019:7 | An evaluation of the implementation of the law. English summary of Brå report 2019:7

      A study of how the law on photographic activity constituting invasion of privacy is applied in the Swedish criminal justice system.

    3. What forms does antisemitic hate crime take in Sweden, and who commits these offences? These are the two central questions examined by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention in this report.

    4. Lethal violence in Sweden 1990–2017 | 2019:6 | Trends and characteristics. English summary of Brå report 2019:6

      This study describes the characteristics of lethal violence in Sweden today (2014-2017) and its development from the beginning of the 1990s.

    5. Crime prevention in Sweden | 2019 | Current status and development needs 2019 English summary of Brå publication Det brottsförebyggande arbetet i Sverige

      The purpose of this report is to describe a view of crime prevention in Sweden in 2018 – on the local, regional and national levels – as well as identifying the development needs for 2019.

    6. Swedish Crime Survey 2018 | 2019 | English summary of Brå report 2019:1

      This summary presents the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) for 2018. The results of the report are summarised and broken down into the following areas of enquiry: victimisation, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system, and crime victims’ contacts with the criminal justice system.

    7. Shootings in criminal milieux | 2019 | An interview study. English summary of Brå report 2019:3

      Lethal gun violence in criminal milieux has increased over time. Therefore, Brå has conducted a study of shootings in criminal milieux. The study is based primarily on interviews with individuals who have been active in the milieux where gun violence occurs.

    8. The police's work with police-citizen partnerships | 2019 | Field studies from four areas in Sweden. English summary of Brå report 2018:14

      Brå has followed the police-citizen partnership work in four selected areas and evaluated its performance. The purpose of the evaluation is to furnish the police with a picture of the police-citizen partnership work and provide guidance for future development and improvement of this work. 

    9. School Survey on Crime 2017 | 2018 | On crime victimisation and participation in crime English summary of Brå report 2018:15

      The overall purpose of the School Survey on Crime is to collect and analyse self-reported data from year nine students regarding their exposure to crime and their participation in crime and other deviant behaviour.

    10. Effects of the increase in the minimum sentence for violation of integrity offences | 2018 | Summary of the memorandum Effekter av straffskärpningen för fridskränkningsbrott (in Swedish)

      The amendment of the provision regarding gross violation of a woman's integrity resulted in more stringent minimum penalties and an expansion of the types of acts that can together constitute a gross violation of integrity.




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