
    1. Evaluation of the Sexual Crimes Group in North Stockholm | 2021 | English summary of Brå report 2021:7

      In 2019, the North Stockholm Police District set up a special investigation team, the Sexual Crimes Group, which only investigates rape cases. This evaluation studies whether the introduction of Group has led to better investigative work in rape cases.

    2. Islamophobic hate crime | 2021 | English summary of Brå report 2021:3

      A study of the characteristics of Islamophobic hate crime in Sweden – the nature of the offences, the people who have been subjected to them, who the perpetrators are (when possible), and the consequences of the crimes.

    3. This report features an analysis of the effects in Sweden of the pandemic on the inflow and outflow of cases in the Police Authority, the Prosecution Authority and the courts.

    4. In April 2018, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service was commissioned by the government to conduct a trial programme with so-called reintegration groups. The purpose of the trial programme was that the probation service and other actors would be able to make plans at an early stage and facilitate the reintegration of clients into society by means of coordinated measures.

    5. A study of the preconditions for sharing information between police, social services and other actors in order to prevent crime.

    6. This summary presents the overall results of the School Survey on Crime 2019. The overall purpose of this survey is to describe trends in self-reported exposure to crime and participation in crime among students in year 9, which is the last year of compulsory education in Sweden with students aged 15–16.

    7. This summary presents the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) 2020. The results of the report are summarised and broken down into the following areas of inquiry: victimisation, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system, and crime victims’ contact with the criminal justice system.

    8. 8+2 | 2020:5

      In order to schedule working hours to better match operational needs, the police have developed a new scheduling model, referred to as 8+2. Brå has followed the pilot project in eight districts.

    9. Measuring and comparing the incidence of rape in different countries can provide knowledge which can be used to combat such crime. However, this requires that the available statistics provide comparable data from the different countries.

    10. A pilot scheme for fast-tracked criminal cases, also known as Fast Track Legal Proceedings, was conducted in the Stockholm North police district in 2018 and 2019.




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