
    1. One of the more important tasks of crime policy is to reduce the level of recruitment into criminal lifestyles. In order to achieve this, it is important to identify as quickly as possible those offences whose appearance early on in a criminal career indicates a long and serious subsequent career in delinquency. The principle objective of this study is to identify those debut offences which indicate a high risk for a continued criminal career, and those indicating a lower risk. It is thus a question of identifying what are generally known as ‘strategic offences´.

    2. The criminalisation of narcotic drug misuse | 2000 | An evaluation of criminal justice system measures

      The number of persons prosecuted for drug offences during a five-year period from the introduction of the more severe punishment in 1993 has risen by 40 percent compared with the previous five-year period. Those who have been prosecuted have largely committed minor drug offences. The present report evaluates the consequences of the legislative changes made in 1988 and 1993 for the justice system's action against drug misuse.

    3. Official conviction statistics indicate that there are relatively large differences between counties as regards the proportion of district court judgements resulting in prison sentences. During the three year period from 1995-1997, this proportion lay at an average of 23 per cent for the whole of Sweden. The current study is based on the country´s district courts and examines the differences between them.

    4. Since 1965, the societal response to young offending has been regulated primarily by the Act (1964:167) containing specific provisions for young offenders (LUL). Over the past two decades, a number of reforms to this law have been passed. The aim of this report is to describe developments in the sanction system over the past two decades, and in particular to highlight the effects of reforms to the LUL.

    5. Victim-offender mediation | 2000 | Final report on a Swedish experiment

      Mediation with crime is a way of bringing perpetrators together with their victims in the presence of an impartial mediator. The theoretical point of departure for mediation is that perpetrators shall be given an opportunity to understand and take responsibility for the consequences of their offences. In addition, the opportunity shall be given for victims to work through the experience of being a victim, and for the immediate community to reinforce social control. The National Council for Crime Prevention has evaluated the trial with mediation projects for youthful offenders in different parts of the country.

    6. In Sweden, the number of reported assaults against children aged 0 to 6 registered by the police has increased substantially during the 1990s. Offences committed by a perpetrator known to the child more than doubled, for example, between the years 1990 and 1998 (from 330 to 709 reported offences). The study's objective is to provide new insights into this form of crime and also to attempt to discover the causes behind the substantial increase in the number of reported assaults against children registered by the police during the 1990s.

    7. Mediation | 1999 | The revelations of young offenders

      Early in 1998 the Ministry of Justice gave the National Council for Crime Prevention the task of initiating and evaluating mediation trials for young offenders. The final results are to be revealed in March 2000. The purpose of the present report is to examine the effects that mediation can have on young offenders. The present study deals with offenders' experiences and perceptions of mediation, together with their insights into the consequences for the victims of their actions.

    8. The National Council for Crime Prevention has been requested to chart the efforts made by the prison and probation service and other relevant administrations to ensure that prisoners have accommodation, any necessary financial support, work, and opportunities for education, vocational training, and treatment for substance abuse on release. The survey is to take account of efforts made prior to and after release from prison.

    9. Cross-national comparison of crime statistics | 1999 | An empirical study of the effect of different statistical rules

      The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet — Brå) has the task of producing the official statistics for the Swedish justice system in a way that allows for the conduct of cross-national comparisons.

    10. In the summer of 1997, the Ministry of Justice assigned the Committee for Crime Prevention Work to support Helsingborg's municipality in its efforts to develop a local crime prevention plan of action to deal with criminality among the motorcycle gangs. The municipality also wanted the Committee's support in making a survey of what was known about criminal motorcycle gangs. The Committee handed over the assignment to the National Council for Crime Prevention.




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