
    1. Economic crime | 2002 | Trends in a number of important offence categories

      The term economic crime is usually employed to refer to offences committed by businesses; crimes motivated by profit that take place within the framework of a legitimate business enterprise. In Sweden, in practice this means tax offences, accountancy offences and offences against creditors. These are the types of crime that account for the largest volumes of offence reports and convictions in the area of economic offending.

    2. Environmental criminal law in practice | 2002 | A study of how the legislation is applied

      This report examines the question of how the criminal law works in practice as a means of controlling potentially harmful activities. The empirical data are in part comprised of a questionnaire survey of local authority supervisory agencies, county administrative boards, police and prosecutors, and in part on two further questionnaires.

    3. Hate crimes | 2002 | A follow-up of justice system measures

      The concept of hate crimes is today used increasingly often as a generic term referring to crimes of a racist, xenophobic and homophobic nature. Characteristic of such crimes is that they involve a violation of human rights and run contrary to fundamental social values that regard all human beings as equals. This study describes the measures taken to prioritise hate crimes, focusing primarily on the work of the justice system.

    4. Municipal crime rates in Sweden | 2002 | A statistical study

      There are substantial differences in the crime levels in Sweden's local authority areas, as can be seen from the official statistics of reported offences produced by the National Council for Crime Prevention. Comparisons based on these statistics do not always present a fair picture however. This report presents the results from a statistical study which compares crime levels in Sweden's local authority areas in a more sophisticated way than has been attempted before.

    5. Organised crime | 2002 | Loose connections or stable networks

      The very nature of the term ‘organised crime´ indicates that this is a type of offending conducted in more organised forms than crime in general. It involves groups of people, large or small, collaborating in order to participate in criminal activities. Their professionalism presupposes planning, a division of labour, leadership, communication and financing. But what is the nature of organised crime in Sweden?

    6. In order to generate effective measures against shop robberies, it is necessary to have reliable information relating to crimes of this kind. To date, the available knowledge on shop robberies remains relatively limited. The principle objective of the current study has been to improve knowledge on robberies of shops and stores.

    7. The report series Swedish Crime Trends has been published since 1976. In this year's report sixteen researchers at the National Council for Crime Prevention describe and analyse trends across a variety of offence categories, with the emphasis placed on the years 1998-2000.

    8. The Exit project was initiated in 1998 by a person who had himself broken his ties to the White Power movement a few years earlier. The project's objectives are to help young people wishing to break out of racist and nazi groups. The National Council for Crime Prevention has been tasked by the government to follow up and evaluate the work conducted by the Exit project.

    9. From prison to a life at liberty | 2001 | On the outside

      The objective of this study is to examine how the prison service works to prepare prisoners for release on parole and to facilitate readjustment to life outside prison. The study follows a group of prison service clients from a point one month prior to their release from prison on parole until approximately six months after their release.

    10. The term repeat victimisation refers to a situation where the same person or object (such as a school or shop) is exposed to several criminal offences within a certain period of time. Research from other countries has shown that this type of victimisation is relatively common. In Sweden, however, the available knowledge on repeat victimisation is limited. The objective of this study is to add to what is known about repeat victimisation in Sweden, and to elucidate the significance of such knowledge for crime prevention work.




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