
    1. Restraining orders | 2003 | An evaluation of the law and its application

      The Law on the Restraining Orders was introduced with the objective of better protecting individuals who are being persecuted and harassed. The law was introduced as a part of efforts being made to restrict incidents of violence perpetrated against women in the context of intimate relationships. The National Council for Crime Prevention has evaluated the law and its effects.

    2. Providing care for drug users in prison | 2003 | An evaluation of the special anti-drugs effort within the prison service

      A large proportion of all drug abusers will sooner or later come into contact with the prison service. This means that the prison system constitutes one possible arena upon which to focus society´s efforts to combat drug abuse. Against this background, in 2002, the National Prison and Probation Administration was commissioned by the Swedish Government to initiate a special effort to combat drug abuse among prison service clients.

    3. Police efforts to combat drug offending | 2003 | Their extent, character and effects

      An evaluation of the anti-drugs work carried out by the police, in order to see whether the resources involved are being used in a rational manner.

    4. The Lugna Gatan programme in Stockholm started in 1994. The basic idea is to reduce levels of violence, vandalism and other forms of offending among youths in the county of Stockholm by means of activities run by young persons who themselves have experience of asocial behaviour and of not fitting in. This study illuminates two types of activity included in the Lugna Gatan programme.

    5. Teaching a new way of thinking | 2002 | An evaluation of the cognitive skills programme in the prison and probation service, 1995-2000

      The Cognitive Skills programme was developed in Canada during the 1980s. It provides the participants with new techniques for examining and altering the way they think, thereby facilitating a change in behaviour. It was introduced for use in the Swedish prison and probation service in 1995. The evaluation of Cognitive Skills conducted by the National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) illuminates the use of the programme in Sweden from four different perspectives.

    6. The main objective of this study is to make a contribution towards increasing levels of knowledge on crimes of assault reported to the police where the victims are women involved in an intimate relationship with the assailant (i.e. a husband, cohabitee, boyfriend or ‘ex´).

    7. What happens to young offenders? | 2002 | On the remand of youths to the care of the social services

      In 1999, certain changes were made to the sanctioning system for young offenders in order to augment and clarify the sanction of remand to the care of the social services. The changes were intended to better satisfy the criminal justice principles of predictability, proportionality and consistency. This is an evaluation of the changes that were made.

    8. Just in time | 2002 | Economic crime in the road haulage industries of Sweden and Norway

      It is would be wrong to characterise the road haulage industry as an unmitigated problem area characterised by extensive economic crime. But this does not mean that there aren't a number of problems that lorry drivers and hauliers are constantly trying to deal with. This report is based on in-depth interviews with 36 hauliers and long-distance lorry drivers in Sweden and Norway.

    9. A poison factory demolished | 2002 | The BT Kemi scandal and the establishment of the environmental crime concept

      The company BT Kemi had been manufacturing pesticides in the former sugar plant in Teckomatorp since 1965. The local population soon began reporting the leakage of chemicals into a nearby river and that the plant was emitting a nasty odour, which led various agencies to act to tighten environmental standards. The company was able to successfully circumvent and delay the implementation of these standards, however, by exploiting weaknesses in the environmental legislation.This report analyses which actors played a role in this process, which problems and solutions were presented in the debate and which of these issues then exerted influence when the new, tightened legislation came to be formulated.

    10. Crime clearance and efficiency | 2002 | An analysis of the factors affecting trends in the clear-up rate

      Since the mid 1970s, the clear-up rate has fallen. This drop has been particularly marked and consistent since the beginning of the 1980s. At its peak in 1982, the clear-up rate lay at 41 per cent, since when it has fallen successively, reaching a low of 23 per cent in 1996. The clearance rate for the year 2000 was 26 per cent. This is an analysis of possible explanations.




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