
    1. Stalking in Sweden | 2006 | Prevalence and prevention

      There are people who are repeatedly harassed or persecuted by another person, who threatens them, makes unwelcome visits, phones repeatedly and sends letters or e-mails with offensive contents. This is stalking.

      Pris för tryckt rapport 130 kr inkl moms
      ISBN: 91-85664-50-2
    2. Cultural Heritage Crime | 2006 | The Nordic dimension

      This report contains the first Nordic study of cultural heritage crime.

    3. Stalking in Sweden | 2006 | Prevalence and measures

      In June of 2005 the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet — Brå) was commissioned by the Swedish Government to produce a knowledge base relating to the phenomenon known as stalking, i.e. where one person is repeatedly harassed by another individual.

    4. Official statistics over reported offenses, suspected persons and cleared-up offenses.

    5. Electronic monitoring has been used for over two decades in connection with coercive criminal procedural measures or the sanctioning of criminal activity. This document presents the technical and legal factors that should be taken into consideration when contemplating the use of electronic monitoring for crime prevention purposes.

    6. In general terms mediation may be described as a method of conflict resolution whereby two parties to a dispute attempt to resolve their differences together with an independent and impartial mediator. This summary of a Swedish report on mediation, offers an overview of the current state of knowledge.

    7. The number of young offenders being sentenced to the care of the social services has increased five-fold over the past 25 years. The current report represents an update of this work, and is intended to provide an up to date picture of the content of the sanction whereby youths are remanded into the care of the social services.

    8. Criminal statistics 2004 | 2005 | Official statistics of Sweden

    9. On the right track | 2005 | A survey of Sweden's local crime prevention councils

      The aim of this survey has been to examine the ways in which the local crime prevention councils have been organised and have evolved.

    10. Intolerance | 2005 | Antisemitic, homophobic, islamophobic and anti-immigrant tendencies among young people

      Intolerance of minorities — which may take such forms as discrimination, harassment, vilification, threats, and physical violence — is a serious social problem.




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