
    1. The Swedish Crime Survey 2006 | 2007 | Victimization, fear of crime and public confidence in the criminal justice system.

    2. Youths and crime 1995—2005 | 2007 | Results from six self-report studies among Swedish year nine pupils

      A translation of the Swedish report 2006:7, Ungdomar och brott åren 1995—2005.

    3. This report is an English summary of the Swedish report Besöksförbud, report no 2007:2.

    4. This report is an English summary of the Swedish report Vuxnas kontakter med barn via Internet, report no 2007:11

    5. This report is an English summary of the Swedish report Brott under ytan, report no 2007:5, and deals with crimes against historical sites and remains.

    6. Receiving stolen goods | 2007 | Where organized crime meets the legal market

      This report is an English summary of the Swedish report Häleri, report no 2006:6.

    7. Extended use of electronic tagging in Sweden | 2007 | The offenders' and the victims' view

      There has been an expansion in the use of electronic monitoring in the criminal justice arena in many countries. Sweden was one of the first countries in Europe to introduce electronic monitoring in 1994, as a way of serving short prison sentences.

    8. This report is an English summary of the Swedish report Hot och våld mot kriminalvårdens personal, report no 2006:5.

    9. Criminal Statistics 2005 | 2006 | Official statistics of Sweden

    10. Organised crime outlook Sweden | 2006 | A method for and assessment of likely future trends in organised crime in the EU

      This is a report presenting a case study which has formed part of a larger project, financed by the 2004 AGIS programme of the European Commission. It had the objective of developing a risk-based methodology for the analysis of the long-term threat from organised crime.




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