
    1. A summary of the Swedish crime statistics for 2013.

    2. Hate Crime 2013 | 2014 | Statistics on police reports with identified hate crime motives and self-reported exposure to hate crime

      English summary of Brå report No. 2014:14

    3. An evaluation of CCTV trials at Medborgarplatsen and Stureplan, two areas of Stockholm’s inner city with high rates of crime.

    4. The Politician's Safety Survey | 2014 | Exposure to harassment, threats and violence

      For the second year running, a national survey has been conducted in order to measure the extent and development as well as the consequences of threats, violence and harassment experienced by elected representatives.

    5. Offences in close relationships | 2014 | A national survey

      The results of a national survey regarding offences in close relationships.

    6. The Swedish Crime Survey 2013 | 2014 | Concerning exposure to crime, insecurity and confidence

      This is a report on the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) of 2013. Nearly 13,000 people responded to questions about exposure to crime, insecurity, confidence in the criminal justice system and victims’ contact with the criminal justice system.

    7. Police crime prevention in hot spots | 2014 | The results and experiences from two projects targeting muggings and assault

      A study of two Swedish police projects that concentrated crime prevention initiatives to specific locations, known as hot spots.

    8. Longer prison sentences for serious violent crime in Sweden | 2014 | An evaluation of the 2010 sentencing reform

      In 2010, the Swedish Parliament passed a bill focused on increasing the severity of the sentences imposed for serious violent offences. Brå (the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) has evaluated what effect the sentencing reform had produced.

    9. Reported Corruption in Sweden | 2014 | Structure, risk factors and countermeasures

      Who corrupts, in which sectors of society can we find the bribe givers and what are they looking to accomplish? Who are the targets of corruption, where are the persons who receive improper offers, what is being offered and how do the attempts at bribery take place?

    10. Corruption in government agencies | 2014 | The exertion of unlawful influence on insiders

      This study focuses on corruption that seeks to influence the core domain of the work of public sector agencies – the exercise of public authority.




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