
    1. Reporting back in intervention activities | 2015 | English summary of Brå report 2015:10

      The National Council's (Brå) evaluation of the previous Government' investment in increasing the number of police showed that a rather small percentage of resources went to strengthening emergency response activities, particularly to their work with initial investigation measures.

    2. The Clearance rate in Sweden and in other countries | 2015 | English summary of the final report from the evaluation of the ”20,000 Police” initiative, Brå report 2014:17

      In this article we compare the number of reported offences per 1,000 of population in Sweden, and the proportion of cleared offences, with the corresponding figures for five other European countries.

    3. Restraining orders | 2015 | English summary of Brå report 2015:3

      The number of applications for restraining orders in Sweden has not changed appreciably between 2010 and 2013.

    4. The certificate that opens the door to the welfare system | 2015 | A report on welfare offences committed using incorrect certificates

      What are the consequences of the interdependency of the authorities within the welfare system when it comes to preventing and fighting crime? The focus of this study is on incorrect certificates which are used to commit benefit offences and fraud.

    5. Emergency phones for people at risk | 2015 | A follow-up of their use and effectiveness

      In December 2013, The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) was commissioned by the Government to follow up: • how well the emergency phones are being made available • the extent to which they have come into practical use anaverted danger • how the phones have affected victims’ sense of security and confidence in the criminal justice system. Unabridged original, in Swedish: Larmtelefoner för hotade (2015:7)

    6. The Swedish Crime Survey 2014 | 2015 | Concerning exposure to crime, insecurity and confidence

      This report presents the overall results of the 2014 Swedish Crime Survey (NTU). Approximately 12,000 persons have answered the questions, giving a response rate of 61 per cent. Unabridged original, in Swedish: Nationella trygghetsundersökningen 2014 (2015:1)

    7. Unlawful persecution | 2015 | The application of the unlawful persecution offence

      On 1 October 2011 a new penal provision on unlawful persecution was introduced in the Swedish Penal Code. The aim of the new provision was to incorporate the cases of repeated offences by one person against another, which did not fulfil the criteria for gross violation of integrity and gross violation of a woman’s integrity.

    8. Offences committed by children | 2014 | An evaluation of amendments to the Young Offenders (Special Provisions) Act

      In July 2010, a number of amendments were made to the Young Offenders Act, the overall aim being for the police to investigate a greater proportion of criminal offences committed by children, and to do so more efficiently.

    9. The effects on re-offending of custodial versus non-custodial sanctions | 2014 | An updated systematic review of the state of knowledge

      Systems of criminal sanctions around the world comprise both custodia and non-custodial sanctions. But what impact do custodial versus non-custodial sanctions have on the re-offending of those convicted of offences?

    10. Why did increased police numbers not improve the clearance rate? | 2014 | Final report from the evaluation of the “20,000 Police” initiative

      The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has evaluated the initiative referred to as “20,000 Police”. The initiative involved the Swedish Police being expanded with the addition of approximately 2,500 new officers during the period 2006–2010 with the objective of improving the organisation’s results.




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