
    1. Worldwide the digitalisation of society is proceeding rapidly, while influencing almost all areas of life. Since law-abiding society continuously interacts with digital-based devices and tools that are often connected to the internet, it would be naive to think that the criminal world would act differently.

    2. Changed evidentiary requirements? | 2016 | Interim report pursuant to the Government instruction regarding Performance in respect of investigation and prosecution. English summary of Brå report 2016:19

      Have judicial evidential requirements in criminal cases changed, and if so, what significance may such changes have had on the development of the person-based clearance rate?

    3. Has it become more difficult to obtain person-based clearances for fraud and assault? | 2016 | Interim report pursuant to the Government instruction regarding Performance in respect of investigation and prosecution. English summary of Brå report 2016:18

      Have criminal matters which the justice system has to handle become more difficult to clear, and if so, how has this affected the person-based clearance rate?

    4. As the use of information technology (IT) increases in society, new arenas are being opened up for criminal activities.

    5. Hate Crime 2015 | 2016 | English summary of Brå report 2016:15

      Statistics on police reports with identified hate crime motives and self-reported exposure to hate crime.

    6. Muggings | 2016 | A study regarding who is victimised, the offence, and the risk factors for robbery among young people. English summary of Brå report 2016:11.

      This study addresses robberies victimising private individuals, known as mugging, which is the most common type of robbery.

    7. Support to defectors from criminal groups | 2016 | English summary of Brå report 2016:6

      The goal of this study is to increase knowledge regarding the support which is offered to defectors around the country and to contribute to the development of efforts which will enable more people to leave criminal groups.

    8. Fraud crime in Sweden | 2016:9 | English summary of Brå report 2016:9

      In 2014, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) was instructed by the Government to conduct a study focused on fraud and the work to combat this type of crime. The reason given was that both victim surveys and reported crime statistics indicate that fraud is on the increase.

    9. Money laundering and other money management | 2016 | Criminal money, black money and murky money in the legal economy. English summary of Brå report 2015:22

      The greatest volumes of illegal money appear in economic crimes. Greater focus may thus be placed on combatting economic crimes, verifying cash flows within the financial system, and investigating where this money goes.

    10. Swedish Crime Survey 2015 | 2016 | English summary of Brå report 2016:1

      This report presents the overall results of the 2015 Swedish Crime Survey (NTU). The survey covers exposure to crime, insecurity, trust in the criminal justice system, and victims’ contacts with the justice system.




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