
    1. Hate crimes 2010 | 2011 | Statistics relating to offences reported to the police with an identified hate crime motive

      In recent years, Brå has made extensive changes in the hate crime statistics, particularly in the report for 2008, where there was a change in how hate crime is defined. Some small changes have also been introduced for this year's hate crime report.

    2. Hate Crimes 2009 | 2011 | Statistics of reports to the police where the motivation for crime includes ethnic background, religious faith, sexual orientation or transgender identity or expression

    3. The Swedish Crime Survey 2010 | 2011 | Victimization, fear of crime and public confidence in the criminal justice system

      This report is a summary of the Swedish report Nationella trygghetsundersökningen 2010: Om utsatthet, trygghet och förtroende (2011:1).




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