
    1. The overall purpose of this survey is to describe trends over time in self-reported exposure to crime and participation in crime among students in year 9. Year 9 is the final year of compulsory education in Sweden, with students aged 15–16. The report is descriptive in nature and therefore does not provide answers as to underlying factors behind being a victim of crime or committing crime. More detailed analyses and explanations of the results may instead be presented in other more in-depth studies.

    2. This summary presents the overall results of the School Survey on Crime 2019. The overall purpose of this survey is to describe trends in self-reported exposure to crime and participation in crime among students in year 9, which is the last year of compulsory education in Sweden with students aged 15–16.

    3. This summary presents the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) 2020. The results of the report are summarised and broken down into the following areas of inquiry: victimisation, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system, and crime victims’ contact with the criminal justice system.

    4. Homicide and mental illness | 2020 | Perpetrators’ prior contacts with psychiatric services Summary of report 2020:7

      This report describes diagnosed mental health disorders among perpetrators of homicide in Sweden between 2005/06 and 2017.

    5. Swedish Crime Survey 2019 | 2019:11 | English summary of Brå report 2019:11

      This summary presents the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) for 2019. The results of the report are summarised and broken down into the following areas of enquiry: victimisation, fear of crime, confdence in the criminal justice system, and crime victims’ contacts with the criminal justice system.

    6. Swedish Crime Survey 2018 | 2019 | English summary of Brå report 2019:1

      This summary presents the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) for 2018. The results of the report are summarised and broken down into the following areas of enquiry: victimisation, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system, and crime victims’ contacts with the criminal justice system.

    7. Swedish Crime Survey 2017 | 2018 | English summary of Brå report 2018:1

      This report presents the overall results of the 2017 Swedish Crime Survey (SCS, or NTU in Swedish). The survey covers victimisation, unsafety, confidence in the criminal justice system, and crime victims’ contacts with the criminal justice system.

    8. Swedish Crime Survey 2016 | 2017 | English summary of Brå report 2017:1

      This report presents the overall results of the 2016 Swedish Crime Survey (Nationella trygghetsundersökningen, NTU, in Swedish). The survey covers exposure to crime, insecurity, trust in the criminal justice system, and victims’ contacts with the justice system.

    9. Swedish Crime Survey 2015 | 2016 | English summary of Brå report 2016:1

      This report presents the overall results of the 2015 Swedish Crime Survey (NTU). The survey covers exposure to crime, insecurity, trust in the criminal justice system, and victims’ contacts with the justice system.

    10. The Swedish Crime Survey 2014 | 2015 | Concerning exposure to crime, insecurity and confidence

      This report presents the overall results of the 2014 Swedish Crime Survey (NTU). Approximately 12,000 persons have answered the questions, giving a response rate of 61 per cent. Unabridged original, in Swedish: Nationella trygghetsundersökningen 2014 (2015:1)




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