
    1. Preventing intimate partner violence among young people may be viewed as part of a broader field of violence prevention.

    2. Gun homicide in Sweden and other European countries | 2021 | English summary of Brå report 2021:8

      Viewed from a long-term perspective, it is well-established that, at least in Western Europe, homicide levels increased during the period 1960-1990 and have since declined. In Sweden, however, this downward trend has stalled, and since 2013 levels of homicide have once again been on the rise. This study compares recent trends in Sweden with homicide levels and trends in 22 other European countries with a focus on the period since the year 2000.

    3. Gross violation of a woman’s integrity | 2019:8 | Trends in the criminal justice system 1998–2017. English summary of Brå report 2019:8

      A study of the offence of gross violation of a woman’s integrity in the criminal justice system and an analysis of what might have caused a visible decrease in the numbers of reported, cleared, and convicted offences.

    4. Shootings in criminal milieux | 2019 | An interview study. English summary of Brå report 2019:3

      Lethal gun violence in criminal milieux has increased over time. Therefore, Brå has conducted a study of shootings in criminal milieux. The study is based primarily on interviews with individuals who have been active in the milieux where gun violence occurs.




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