
    1. Kriminell utveckling | 2001:15 | Tidiga riskfaktorer och förebyggande insatser

      En mycket stor del av brottsligheten begås av en liten grupp kriminella. Ett angeläget, men ofta eftersatt, inslag i det brottsförebyggande arbetet är att begränsa nyrekryteringen till denna grupp.

    2. Theft, drugs and violence among ninth grade boys and girls | 2000 | Results from three self-report surveys

      This study is based on cross-sectional self-report surveys of delinquency, carried out among ninth grade pupils in 1995, 1997 and 1999. The objectives of the report are to describe the prevalence of delinquency among ninth grade boys and girls as well as developments over time (1995-1999) in the proportions of pupils reporting participation in such behaviours. The study also aims to illustrate the extent to which the pupils are themselves victimised.

    3. The National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has carried out a study of juvenile robbery in Malmö and Stockholm. The study is partly based on statistics relating to robberies reported to the police during the latter part of the 1990s, and partly on a questionnaire survey administered in the autumn of 1999.

    4. One of the more important tasks of crime policy is to reduce the level of recruitment into criminal lifestyles. In order to achieve this, it is important to identify as quickly as possible those offences whose appearance early on in a criminal career indicates a long and serious subsequent career in delinquency. The principle objective of this study is to identify those debut offences which indicate a high risk for a continued criminal career, and those indicating a lower risk. It is thus a question of identifying what are generally known as ‘strategic offences´.

    5. Since 1965, the societal response to young offending has been regulated primarily by the Act (1964:167) containing specific provisions for young offenders (LUL). Over the past two decades, a number of reforms to this law have been passed. The aim of this report is to describe developments in the sanction system over the past two decades, and in particular to highlight the effects of reforms to the LUL.

    6. In Sweden, the number of reported assaults against children aged 0 to 6 registered by the police has increased substantially during the 1990s. Offences committed by a perpetrator known to the child more than doubled, for example, between the years 1990 and 1998 (from 330 to 709 reported offences). The study's objective is to provide new insights into this form of crime and also to attempt to discover the causes behind the substantial increase in the number of reported assaults against children registered by the police during the 1990s.

    7. Allt färre ungdomsbrottslingar får åtalsunderlåtelse. I stället går fler ungdomsbrott till åtal eller strafföreläggande. Brå har undersökt samtliga lagföringar under 1980-1998 som gäller ungdomar i 15-17 årsåldern.

    8. Det är mycket vanligt att framför allt unga människor någon gång begår ett brott. En central fråga för det brottsförebyggande arbetet är därför att med någorlunda säkerhet kunna identifiera de personer som löper risk att fastna i brottsligt eller asocialt beteende.

    9. Ungdomsrån, i bemärkelsen ungdomar som rånar andra ungdomar, är ett inslag i ungdomsbrottsligheten som rönt särskilt stor uppmärksamhet under senare år. Framför allt från storstäderna har det kommit allt fler signaler om en ökning av ungdomsrånen.

      Pris för tryckt rapport 125 kr inkl moms
      ISBN: ISBN 91-38-31609-9
    10. Barnmisshandel | 2000:15 | En kartläggning av polisanmäld misshandel av små barn

      Den polisanmälda misshandeln av barn i åldern 0-6 år har ökat kraftigt i Sverige under 1990-talet. I rapporten redovisas en undersökning av misshandel av små barn (0-6 år) inom familjen.




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