
    1. Theft, drugs and violence among ninth grade boys and girls | 2000 | Results from three self-report surveys

      This study is based on cross-sectional self-report surveys of delinquency, carried out among ninth grade pupils in 1995, 1997 and 1999. The objectives of the report are to describe the prevalence of delinquency among ninth grade boys and girls as well as developments over time (1995-1999) in the proportions of pupils reporting participation in such behaviours. The study also aims to illustrate the extent to which the pupils are themselves victimised.

    2. En majoritet av landets niondeklassare uppger att de har begått någon form av brott under det senaste året. I de flesta fallen rör det sig om enstaka stölder.

      Pris för tryckt rapport 125 kr inkl moms
      ISBN: ISBN 91-38-31713-3




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