
    1. The overall purpose of this survey is to describe trends over time in self-reported exposure to crime and participation in crime among students in year 9. Year 9 is the final year of compulsory education in Sweden, with students aged 15–16. The report is descriptive in nature and therefore does not provide answers as to underlying factors behind being a victim of crime or committing crime. More detailed analyses and explanations of the results may instead be presented in other more in-depth studies.

    2. Preventing intimate partner violence among young people may be viewed as part of a broader field of violence prevention.

    3. In this report, Brå continues with the study of so-called strategic offences – i.e. the offence types in a debut conviction that best predict continued high-frequency offending.

    4. Youth robberies | 2021:19

      This report shows that the number of reported robberies against people under 18 as well as the self-reported exposure to robbery among young people have both increased in recent years.

    5. A study of the preconditions for sharing information between police, social services and other actors in order to prevent crime.

    6. This summary presents the overall results of the School Survey on Crime 2019. The overall purpose of this survey is to describe trends in self-reported exposure to crime and participation in crime among students in year 9, which is the last year of compulsory education in Sweden with students aged 15–16.

    7. School Survey on Crime 2017 | 2018 | On crime victimisation and participation in crime English summary of Brå report 2018:15

      The overall purpose of the School Survey on Crime is to collect and analyse self-reported data from year nine students regarding their exposure to crime and their participation in crime and other deviant behaviour.

    8. Parental liability to pay damages for children’s criminal offences | 2017 | An evaluation of the 2010 reform. English version of report 2017:14.

      In 2010, parents with custody of a child became subject to more rigorous liability to pay damages in Sweden. In 2016, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) was instructed by the Government to evaluate the reform.

    9. School Survey on Crime 2015 | 2017 | On crime victimisation and participation in crime. English summary of Brå report 2016:21

      The School Survey on Crime investigates crime victimisation and participation in crime, as well as other deviant behaviour among year-nine students on the basis of self-reported data.

    10. Offences committed by children | 2014 | An evaluation of amendments to the Young Offenders (Special Provisions) Act

      In July 2010, a number of amendments were made to the Young Offenders Act, the overall aim being for the police to investigate a greater proportion of criminal offences committed by children, and to do so more efficiently.




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