
    1. This report presents the results of Brå’s study on the police’s work in connection with profiling and equal treatment. The study stems from the Swedish Police Authority’s request for an independent party to investigate what this work looks like at different levels within the organisation. The aim of the report is to contribute towards the Authority’s development work within this area.

    2. How has the Police Authority organised and managed growth activities? Is the outcome so far in line with the government's goals and what factors might explain any shortcomings in goal fulfilment?

    3. The purpose of this study is to report on the extent to which forensic activities have benefited from the government's investment in 10,000 more police employees, whether the increase in resources has contributed to better results and what remaining obstacles there are to achieve an efficient forensic process.

    4. Evaluation of the Sexual Crimes Group in North Stockholm | 2021 | English summary of Brå report 2021:7

      In 2019, the North Stockholm Police District set up a special investigation team, the Sexual Crimes Group, which only investigates rape cases. This evaluation studies whether the introduction of Group has led to better investigative work in rape cases.

    5. A study of the preconditions for sharing information between police, social services and other actors in order to prevent crime.

    6. Body cameras | 2020 | An evaluation of the pilot scheme in Police Region Stockholm English summary of Brå report 2020:1

      An evaluation of the use of body cameras in Police Region Stockholm.

    7. The police's work with police-citizen partnerships | 2019 | Field studies from four areas in Sweden. English summary of Brå report 2018:14

      Brå has followed the police-citizen partnership work in four selected areas and evaluated its performance. The purpose of the evaluation is to furnish the police with a picture of the police-citizen partnership work and provide guidance for future development and improvement of this work. 

    8. One of the Swedish Government’s gender policy goals is to end men’s violence against women. The National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has studied police working methods for preventing men’s serial partner violence against women, as well as approaches and working methods aimed at persuading the perpetrators of violence to cease the violence.

    9. As the use of information technology (IT) increases in society, new arenas are being opened up for criminal activities.

    10. Reporting back in intervention activities | 2015 | English summary of Brå report 2015:10

      The National Council's (Brå) evaluation of the previous Government' investment in increasing the number of police showed that a rather small percentage of resources went to strengthening emergency response activities, particularly to their work with initial investigation measures.




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