
    1. Crime and the fear of crime are social issues that are attracting an increasing amount of attention, and the demands being made on society´s capacity to prevent these problems are increasing. There is also a growing need to monitor and analyze crime and the fear of crime.

    2. The Swedish Crime Survey 2010 | 2011 | Victimization, fear of crime and public confidence in the criminal justice system

      This report is a summary of the Swedish report Nationella trygghetsundersökningen 2010: Om utsatthet, trygghet och förtroende (2011:1).

    3. The Swedish Crime Survey 2009 | 2010 | Victimization, fear of crime and public confidence in the criminal justice system

      The Swedish Crime Survey covers a broad range of issues. This report presents the overall results relating to victimization, fear of crime and public confidence in the criminal justice system.-

    4. Fear of crime and segregation | 2009 | The importance of residential areas in relation to the general public´s feelings of insecurity and concern about crime

      This report is a summary of the Swedish report Otrygghet och segregation, report no 2008:16.

    5. The Swedish Crime Survey 2008 | 2009 | Victimization, fear of crime and public confidence in the criminal justice system

      This report is a summary of the Swedish report Nationella trygghetsundersökningen 2008. Om utsatthet, trygghet och förtroende, report nr 2009:2.

    6. The Swedish Crime Survey 2007 | 2008 | Victimization, fear of crime and public confidence in the criminal justice system

    7. The Swedish Crime Survey 2006 | 2007 | Victimization, fear of crime and public confidence in the criminal justice system.




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