
    1. Cultures of silence | 2019:10 | A study of silence towards the criminal justice system. English summary of Brå report 2019:10

      It has become more difficult to persuade people to report and testify regarding criminal offences. This report aims to answer two overall questions: what motivates the silence and how can more people be persuaded to provide information to the criminal justice system?

    2. Combating unlawful influence in sports | 2018 | A closer look at harassment, threats, violence, and corruption. English summary of Brå report 2018:5

      This study addresses harassment, threats, violence, and corruption in organised football, ice hockey, basketball, and bandy. The study focuses specifically on unlawful influence, i.e. events where the victim perceives that the purpose was to influence them when exercising their profession.

    3. Unlawful influence on Swedish Migration Authority personnel | 2017 | English summary of Brå report 2016:14

      This report addresses how the Swedish Migration Agency and its personnel are subject to unlawful influence in the form of harassment, threats, violence, vandalism, improper offers, and attempts at cronyism.

    4. Unlawful influence on public agency personnel | 2017 | English summary of Brå report 2016:13

      The study addresses unlawful influence from external customers and clients, i.e. harassment, threats, violence, vandalism, and corruption where the victim perceives the purpose being to influence the discharge of official duties.

    5. Match-fixing | 2015 | Manipulation of matches and the gambling market. English summary of Brå report 2015:18

      The subject of this report is match-fixing, the manipulation of matches for the purpose of realising winnings on the gambling market. Sporting associations, the gambling industry, the justice system, and the media have paid increasing attention to the phenomenon in recent years.

    6. Reported Corruption in Sweden | 2014 | Structure, risk factors and countermeasures

      Who corrupts, in which sectors of society can we find the bribe givers and what are they looking to accomplish? Who are the targets of corruption, where are the persons who receive improper offers, what is being offered and how do the attempts at bribery take place?

    7. Corruption in government agencies | 2014 | The exertion of unlawful influence on insiders

      This study focuses on corruption that seeks to influence the core domain of the work of public sector agencies – the exercise of public authority.

    8. Unlawful influence on prosecutors and judges | 2012 | English summary of Brå report No 2009:13

    9. Police encounters with organised crime | 2009 | A research project about unlawful influence

      This report is a summary of the Swedish report Polisens möte med organiserad brottslighet, report no 2009:7.

    10. Exertion of an unlawful influence on public servants | 2005 | From harassment, threats and violence to “amorous infiltration"




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