
    1. Samhällstjänst | 2003:3 | I samhällets tjänst?

      Brå har på regeringens uppdrag utvärderat de två samhällstjänstpåföljderna. I utvärderingen studeras hur påföljderna har utvecklats, främst sedan år 1999, i relation till lagstiftarens intentioner.

    2. Från anstalt till frihet | 2003 | Förstärkta frigivningsförberedelser

      Övergången från anstalt till frihet är känd som en kritisk punkt när det gäller risken för återfall i brott. Det är därför viktigt att övergången är väl förberedd. Med bakgrund av detta gav regeringen kriminalvården i uppdrag att inleda en treårig försöksverksamhet för att intensifiera och strukturera arbetet med frigivningsförberedelser.

    3. Prison at liberty | 2003 | An evaluation

      In 2001 a pilot project was initiated employing electronic monitoring for those sentenced to a prison term of at least two years. They are given the opportunity to serve the final part of their sentence — up to a maximum of four months — outside prison under electronic monitoring, also known as the EM-release programme. The National Council for Crime Prevention has been commissioned by the government to evaluate this pilot project. This first report describes the project in relation to those who started an EM-release during the first eight months of the programme.

    4. Restraining orders | 2003 | An evaluation of the law and its application

      The Law on the Restraining Orders was introduced with the objective of better protecting individuals who are being persecuted and harassed. The law was introduced as a part of efforts being made to restrict incidents of violence perpetrated against women in the context of intimate relationships. The National Council for Crime Prevention has evaluated the law and its effects.

    5. Providing care for drug users in prison | 2003 | An evaluation of the special anti-drugs effort within the prison service

      A large proportion of all drug abusers will sooner or later come into contact with the prison service. This means that the prison system constitutes one possible arena upon which to focus society´s efforts to combat drug abuse. Against this background, in 2002, the National Prison and Probation Administration was commissioned by the Swedish Government to initiate a special effort to combat drug abuse among prison service clients.

    6. Vad händer med unga lagöverträdare? | 2002:19 | Om överlämnande till vård inom socialtjänsten

      Rättsväsendets reaktioner på ungdomsbrott är ett ständigt aktuellt ämne inom den kriminalpolitiska debatten i Sverige och påföljdssystemet för unga har reviderats vid ett flertal tillfällen under senare år.

    7. Teaching a new way of thinking | 2002 | An evaluation of the cognitive skills programme in the prison and probation service, 1995-2000

      The Cognitive Skills programme was developed in Canada during the 1980s. It provides the participants with new techniques for examining and altering the way they think, thereby facilitating a change in behaviour. It was introduced for use in the Swedish prison and probation service in 1995. The evaluation of Cognitive Skills conducted by the National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) illuminates the use of the programme in Sweden from four different perspectives.

    8. Ungdomsbrottsligheten är ett ständigt aktuellt ämne inom den kriminalpolitiska debatten i Sverige. Att hitta relevanta och fungerande åtgärder för att förhindra både att ungdomar börjar begå brott och att de fortsätter att begå brott är ingen enkel uppgift. Rättsväsendets reaktioner på ungdomsbrott är också föremål för ständig debatt och påföljdssystemet för unga har reviderats vid ett flertal tillfällen under senare år.

    9. From prison to a life at liberty | 2001 | On the outside

      The objective of this study is to examine how the prison service works to prepare prisoners for release on parole and to facilitate readjustment to life outside prison. The study follows a group of prison service clients from a point one month prior to their release from prison on parole until approximately six months after their release.

    10. Crimes committed while on prison leave | 2001 | A contentious issue

      The question of escapes and criminal offences occurring in association with prison leave is a contentious issue, which is brought to the fore at regular intervals. As a rule, the question is brought up when attention becomes focused on a serious crime committed in connection with prison leave. The report illuminates how the institution of prison leave has emerged and evolved, and what has been done over the years in order to reduce the risk of misconduct in association with prison leave.




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