
    1. A report on how the police can work to prevent violence and alcohol abuse among young people. This is a summary of the Swedish report Utvärdering av Kronobergsmodellen, report no 2009:5.

    2. Bullying has probably been a problem among children throughout the history of mankind. The past few decades have witnessed a steady increase in the number of programmes to combat bullying that have been developed and tested in school settings. But how well do they work?

    3. Mentoring constitutes a method of preventing criminality and other destructive behaviours that is becoming the focus of an increasing amount of attention. The method usually involves a more experienced individual providing a young person with special needs with support, advice and guidance in order to improve the latter´s chances in life. But how well does it work?

    4. Mentorskap som metod för att förebygga brott och annat destruktivt beteende tilldrar sig allt större intresse. Metoden innebär vanligtvis att en erfaren person ger en ung person med särskilda behov stöd, råd och vägledning i syfte att förbättra den unges möjligheter i livet. Men hur väl fungerar det?

    5. Early family/parent training (EFPT) programmes constitute a set of methods for reducing children's behavioural problems and later delinquency that for some time have been the focus of increasing attention. But how well do they work?

    6. Lugna gatan | 2002:3 | En granskning av tunnelbane- och juniorverksamheterna

      Lugna Gatan i Stockholm är ett exempel på en verksamhet där unga engageras i syfte att skapa trygghet för andra, samtidigt som de själva får möjlighet att utvecklas i positiv riktning.




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