
    1. White-collar crime research | 2001 | Old views and future potentials

      The hope of the National Council is that this anthology will function as a bridge between Swedish economic crime research and research being conducted elsewhere in the international community. It constitutes a means of enabling Swedish scholars to reach out to an international audience as well as enabling academics from other countries to make an impression on our own research. It is also intended to stimulate a wider audience to take an interest in this area of research.

    2. Rapportserien Brottsutvecklingen har kommit ut sedan 1976. I årets rapport beskriver och analyserar sexton forskare och utredare vid Brå utvecklingen av olika typer av brott, med tonvikt på åren 1998-2000.

      Pris för tryckt rapport 271 kr inkl moms
      ISBN: ISBN 91-38-31779-6




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