Hate crimes reported to the police in 2022

A compilation of the cases that were classified as hate crimes by the police. English summary of Brå report 2023:16

This report presents Brå's statistics on offences reported to the police in 2022 where hate was the underlying motive. The statistics are based on all reported crimes that the police classified as hate crimes and where Brå has also identified hate as the underlying motive in the police report.

The report is a descriptive compilation and comprises an analysis of the police's hate crime classification as well as an account of the hate crime motives that Brå has identified, categorised according to the crime category, the type of crime scene, the modus operandi used in the hate crime, the victim's gender, the perpetrator's gender, victimisation at work and the victim's relationship to the perpetrator. New for this year is that all crimes in a report that has at least one identified hate crime motive are coded, not just the principal offence. The modus operandi used in the hate crime, the perpetrator's gender and victimisation at work are also new categories.

In addition to this, the report presents statistics on the regional distribution of the reported offences, that is, according to the police region in which they were registered, and statistics on the distribution of hate crimes per municipality, based on where the offences took place. Finally, the processing decisions for the hate crimes included in the statistics for 2020 are also presented.

Hate crimes

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Author: Jon Lundgren and Aravella Lejonstad

© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2024


Report 2023:16

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