Police officers' view of crime prevention work

Assignment "Investment in more police officers"

This study is based on the perceptions and opinions of the crime prevention work obtained from a large group of police officers. In two separate surveys, almost 350 local police chiefs and officers on patrol duty, among others, answered the question concerning which problems they feel are the biggest and where they feel there is room for improvement.

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English summary of Brå report No. 2013:21

In 2006, new resources were allocated to the police in order to contribute to greater visibility, more planned crime prevention work and higher detection rate. Based on this, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has been commissioned by the Government to analyse the police’s work. In a first report (Brå 2013:12), we described how the approximately 2,500 new police officers must be seen as a relatively limited investment in practice. Based on the various measurements available, we also described how the extra resources have been distributed among different units and how the result of the work has developed.

The report also reveals that the police’s crime prevention work has become more extensive and more structured since 2006, but that there are shortcomings in quality, for example in terms of how initiatives are planned and followed up. This study was initiated by Brå. It not only highlights the Government’s investment in the police; it is also intended to provide the decision-makers with a picture of how police officers perceive the current crime prevention work and which factors they feel prevent/ promote positive development of this work. It thus becomes a complement to the first report on the investment in more police officers – and to previous studies.

The study is based on the perceptions and opinions of the crime prevention work obtained from a large group of police officers. In two separate surveys, almost 350 local police chiefs and officers on patrol duty,10 among others, answered the question concerning which problems they feel are the biggest and where they feel there is room for improvement.

About the publication

© The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, 2013
Author: Emma Patel


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