Unlawful influence on prosecutors and judges

English summary of Brå report No 2009:13
The summary of a survey on unlawful influence on prosecutors and judges.
This publication is only available for download
This report is a summary of the Swedish report Otillåten påverkan mot åklagare och domare.

The purpose of this study is to survey unlawful influence on prosecutors and judges with regard to the following questions:  

  • How common is unlawful influence?
  • Are relatives of the prosecutors and judges also targeted?
  • Which actors are believed to be behind unlawful influence?
  • In what types of situation does this occur?
  • To what extent is unlawful influence reported to the authorities?
  • What is being done, and what can be done, to prevent unlawful influence?

About the publication

© The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, 2012
Authors: Johanna Skinnari and Lars Korsell


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