Logotyp för Brå



A selection of Brå's reports are translated into English, usually in the form of a summary of the original report.

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  1. Data breaches reported to the police

    Offence characteristics, challenges, areas for development. English summary of report 2022:8

    This report describes the types of data breach offence that are currently being reported to the police in Sweden and the difficulties that police and prosecutors face in investigating and prosecuting these offences, with a special focus on the more complex data breach offences.

    Publicerad 2022-12-20

    • Bedrägeri
    • Ekonomisk brottslighet
    • Polisens arbete
  2. Welfare fraud against municipalities and regions

    English summary of report 2022:1

    This report examines incorrect payments from Swedish municipalities and regions to companies and non-profit organisations active in the welfare sector.  

    Publicerad 2022-05-31

    • Bedrägeri
    • Ekonomisk brottslighet
  3. Money laundering offences

    A follow-up of the application of the law.

    A study of how the Act on Penalties for Money Laundering Offences has been applied within the criminal justice system during the period 2015-2017.

    Publicerad 2020-03-06

    • Bedrägeri
    • Ekonomisk brottslighet
    • Rättsprocessen
  4. Follow the money

    An anthology on asset-oriented law enforcement. English version of report 2014:10.

    This anthology on the asset-oriented approach is intended to function as a handbook where several key actors help to spread knowledge about how to deal with these issues.

    Publicerad 2017-11-10

    • Ekonomisk brottslighet
  5. Money laundering and other money management

    Criminal money, black money and murky money in the legal economy. English summary of Brå report 2015:22

    The greatest volumes of illegal money appear in economic crimes. Greater focus may thus be placed on combatting economic crimes, verifying cash flows within the financial system, and investigating where this money goes.

    Publicerad 2016-02-12

    • Ekonomisk brottslighet
  6. Insurance fraud – a study in selection

    English summary of Brå report 2015:19

    How the insurance companies and the justice system identify and investigate insurance fraud.

    Publicerad 2015-10-29

    • Bedrägeri
    • Ekonomisk brottslighet
  7. The certificate that opens the door to the welfare system

    A report on welfare offences committed using incorrect certificates. English summary of Brå report 2015:8

    What are the consequences of the interdependency of the authorities within the welfare system when it comes to preventing and fighting crime? The focus of this study is on incorrect certificates which are used to commit benefit offences and fraud.

    Publicerad 2015-04-01

    • Bedrägeri
    • Ekonomisk brottslighet
  8. Criminal assets recovery in Sweden

    English summary of Brå report 2008:10

    The purpose of this study is to map out the authorities’ work of tracking and recovering money and other property that is undeclared or from regular criminal activities.

    Publicerad 2009-07-28

    • Ekonomisk brottslighet
  9. Collaboration against benefit fraud

    The examples Västmanland and Skåne. English summary of Brå report 2008:6

    This study is an evaluation of the Västmanland model, where the Social Insurance Agency, the Prosecution Authority and the Police collborated in the processing of reports of benefit fraud.

    Publicerad 2009-03-09

    • Bedrägeri
    • Ekonomisk brottslighet
    • Välfärdsbrott
  10. Preventing cheats and fiddles

    Methods for regulation and control. English summary of Brå report 2005:7

    This handbook focuses on the idea that both legislation and supervision can be conducted in a more systematic and effective way than today in order to reduce cheats and fiddles

    Publicerad 2005-04-15

    • Bedrägeri
    • Ekonomisk brottslighet