Logotyp för Brå



A selection of Brå's reports are translated into English, usually in the form of a summary of the original report.

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  1. Increased gun violence in Sweden

    A study of gun violence trends in the criminal milieu since the mid-2000s. English summary of Brå report 2024:7

    This study examines gun violence trends in the criminal milieu since the mid-2000s, analysing how the criminal milieu has changed and what role these changes may have played in gun violence trends.

    Publicerad 2025-01-24

    • Kriminella nätverk
    • Våld i kriminella miljöer
  2. Persons suspected of offences with LGBTQI-related hate crimes

    English summary of Brå report 2024:13

    This report supplements Brå’s hate crime statistics with a descriptive analysis of persons suspected of committing offences that has been reported to the police and where Brå have identified LGBTQI-related hate crime motives

    Publicerad 2025-01-21

    • Hatbrott
  3. Children and youth in criminal networks

    Network entry, offending, conditions, and network exit. English translation of report 2023:13

    This report presents a study focused on the way children and youth become involved in criminal networks. The study examines the offences that these young people typically engage in and what opportunities they have to leave criminal networks.

    Publicerad 2025-01-21

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Kriminella nätverk
  4. Residential burglary

    Development, nature, and police handling. English summary of Brå report 2024:12

    This study provides an overall picture of the nature of residential burglaries in Sweden. It also examines the development of this crime over time and how the police handle residential burglaries.

    Publicerad 2024-12-11

    • Bostadsinbrott
  5. School Survey on Crime 2023

    On crime victimisation and participation in crime. English summary of Brå report 2024:10

    The overall purpose of this survey is to describe trends over time in self-reported exposure to crime and participation in crime among students attending lower-secondary schools in year 9.

    Publicerad 2024-11-01

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Otrygghet och oro för brott
    • Skolan
  6. Police investigations of serious crimes and crimes against particularly vulnerable victims

    Staff growth and investigative results. Interim report: Evaluation of the effort to increase the number of police employees by 10,000. English summary of Brå report 2014:9

    Since 2021, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has been commissioned by the Government with evaluating the initiative for 10,000 more police employees. The initiative aims to increase the number of police employees by 10,000 over the period 2016-2024 (Ju2021/02238). This is the third interim report under the assignment and focuses specifically on the investigative activities.

    Publicerad 2024-10-17

    • Polisens arbete
  7. Swedish Crime Survey 2024

    English summary of Brå report 2024:8

    The main purpose of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) is to study trends in self-reported exposure to crime, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system and crime victims' contact with the criminal justice system in the Swedish population (16-84 years).

    Publicerad 2024-10-16

    • Bedrägeri
    • Bilbrott
    • Bostadsinbrott
    • Cykelstöld
    • Hot och trakasserier
    • Misshandel
    • Otrygghet och oro för brott
    • Sexualbrott
    • Skadegörelse och klotter
    • Stöld och snatteri
  8. Facilitators of criminal networks

    This report studies facilitators in the legal sector who provide assistance to criminal networks. A facilitator is here defined as someone misusing his or her position or mandate in local government or the public or private sectors in order to benefit criminal networks.

    Publicerad 2024-10-01

    • Kriminella nätverk
    • Otillåten påverkan
  9. Serious Violence at School

    A description of its extent, nature and developments through 2022. English summary of Brå report 2024:3

    This report studies the extent and development of serious school violence in order to improve the knowledge on violence in schools and strengthen crime prevention efforts.

    Publicerad 2024-08-27

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Brott mot barn
    • Misshandel
    • Skolan
  10. Hate crime against the Sami minority

    English summary of Brå report 2024:5

    This report studies the nature of hate crime against the Sami population in Sweden and details specific instances, including reindeer-related offences. In the report, Brå also makes proposals regarding how to increase the visibility of the Sami’s exposure to hate crimes and racism, in order to improve the existing knowledge as a basis for preventive work.

    Publicerad 2024-08-13

    • Hatbrott