Logotyp för Brå


School Survey on Crime 2017

On crime victimisation and participation in crime. English summary of Brå report 2018:15

The overall purpose of the School Survey on Crime is to collect and analyse self-reported data from year nine students regarding their exposure to crime and their participation in crime and other deviant behaviour.

About the publication

Anna Frenzel and Sara Westerberg
Other information
© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2018
Report 2018:15

About the study

The survey was conducted among year-nine students at a selection of schools in Sweden. It comprises a printed survey which the students completed anonymously during school hours. A total of 4,268 students participated in this year’s survey.

Some of the findings from the latest survey

  • Slightly more than one-half of the students state that they were victims of an offence
  • Criminal victimisation in the school environment is common
  • Exposure via the Internet is a widespread problem
  • Clear correlation between exposure to bullying and exposure to crime
  • Exposure to crime has significant consequences
  • Certain groups of students state, more often, that they are victims of crime
  • Almost one-half of the students also participate in crime Illegal file sharing and fare dodging are common
  • Gender, parents' educational level, and family situation are significant in respect of participation in crime