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Combating unlawful influence in sports

A closer look at harassment, threats, violence, and corruption. English summary of Brå report 2018:5

This study addresses harassment, threats, violence, and corruption in organised football, ice hockey, basketball, and bandy. The study focuses specifically on unlawful influence, i.e. events where the victim perceives that the purpose was to influence them when exercising their profession.

About the publication

Karolina Hurve and Anna Jonsson
Other information
© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2018
Report 2018:5

About the study

This is a qualitative study that primarily addresses men’s sports at the professional level. The study also includes a review of victimisation of sports journalists, sports photographers, and supporter police in connection to their sports-related professional activities. Furthermore, there is an explorative section included in the study that examines whether offences of a more system threatening nature exist in organised sports. The study is based on 106 interviews with individuals from the above mentioned professions, and others with relevant knowledge and experience.

The study shows that certain acts to influence occur in a heightened emotional state, while other acts appear to be both more strategic and more rational. These different types of acts to influence require different preventive measures. The employer has the primary responsibility for the work environment. By working towards an open culture and taking incidents seriously, the organisation signals from the top down that this is prioritised, which is central to prevention.