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Elements of IT in criminal activity and the ability of the justice system to handle these

English summary of Brå report 2016:17

As the use of information technology (IT) increases in society, new arenas are being opened up for criminal activities.

    About the publication

    Frida Andersson, Kerstin Nelander Hedqvist, Jonas Ring, Alexandra Skarp
    Other information
    © Brottsförebyggande rådet 2016
    Report 2016:17

    About the study

    With respect to fraud, the study shows that the percentage of matters which are very difficult to investigate has increased. This, in combination with a substantially increased influx of police reports in respect of fraud, has been significant for reducing the person-based clearance rate.

    The reduced person-based clearance rate for assault offences cannot, however, be attributed as clearly to an increased influx of reports which are more difficult to clear as is the case for fraud.