Support to defectors from criminal groups
English summary of Brå report 2016:6
The goal of this study is to increase knowledge regarding the support which is offered to defectors around the country and to contribute to the development of efforts which will enable more people to leave criminal groups.
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- © Brottsförebyggande rådet 2016
- urn:nbn:se:bra-663
- Report 2016:6
About the study
Combating criminality which is committed by criminal groups has been a prioritised political issue in recent years. Successfully helping more individuals to leave such groups and change their lifestyles can benefit both society and the individual. To date, there has been no comprehensive overview of access to support for defectors from criminal groups or of how well the support meets need in the area. Accordingly, Brå has been instructed by the Government to study this issue. The goal of the study is to increase knowledge regarding the support which is offered to defectors around the country and to contribute to the development of efforts which will enable more people to leave criminal groups.
The results presented in the report are based primarily on survey responses from, and interviews with, defectors from criminal groups, interviews and collated information from programmes which specifically offer support to defectors, and survey responses from regular public programmes within the police, the prison and probation service, and social services.