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The Swedish Crime Survey 2013

Concerning exposure to crime, insecurity and confidence. English summary of Brå report 2014:1

This is a report on the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) of 2013. Nearly 13,000 people responded to questions about exposure to crime, insecurity, confidence in the criminal justice system and victims’ contact with the criminal justice system.

About the publication

Emelie Färdeman, Thomas Hvitfeldt and Åsa Irlander
Other information
© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2014
Report 2014:1

About the study

This is a report on the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS)
of 2013. Nearly 13,000 people responded to the survey, which means
that the response rate for the survey was 64 per cent. Most of the participants were interviewed by telephone, however, a small number participated via a postal survey. There follows a summary of the report’s
results, divided up according to the areas investigated by the survey:
exposure to crime, insecurity, confidence in the criminal justice system
and victims’ contact with the criminal justice system.