Logotyp för Brå


Violence against people with disabilities

English summary of Brå report 2007:26

This study charts the situation relating to violence against people with disabilities. It aims to improve existing knowledge about this problem, identify critical gaps in this knowledge and to look into opportunities for preventing this type of violence.

About the publication

Lotta Nilsson, Olle Westlund
Other information
© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2008
Report 2007:26

About the study

In July 2006, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) was instructed by the Swedish government, in partnership with the Swedish Disability Ombudsman (HO) and the Swedish Agency for Disability Coordination (Handisam), to chart the situation relating to violence against people with disabilities. The aim was to improve the existing knowledge about this problem, to identify critical gaps in this knowledge and to look into opportunities for preventing this type of violence.

To begin dealing with these issues, data were collected in several ways. The data collection comprised reviews of the Swedish and international research literature, surveys of people responsible for disability issues in Sweden’s municipalities, city districts and associations for the disabled, as well as individual and focus group interviews with researchers, key figures and practitioners.