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Cultural Heritage Crime

The Nordic dimension. English summary of Brå report 2010:18

This report contains the first Nordic study of cultural heritage crime. It includes theft of cultural objects from preservers, such as museums and churches, and from dealers, such as antique shops and auction houses.

About the publication

Lars Korsell, Göran Hedlund, Sofia Elwér, Daniel Vesterhav, Anita Heber
Other information
© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2006
Report 2006:2

About the study

Cultural heritage crime also includes the illegal movement/export of
protected cultural objects that even though they are legally acquired, may not be taken out of the country without a permit. The illegal import of these objects from other countries also constitutes cultural heritage crime. The looting of ancient monuments and protected shipwrecks is also included.

The report is based on 2,111 questionnaire responses from preservers and dealers in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland, and 150 interviews with players and experts in these countries. A study has also been made of Danish Internet trade in cultural objects.