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Final account

The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention's initiative on research into economic crime 1998—2002

The current report presents a review of the work conducted in connection with the National Council's initiative on economic crime research.

About the publication

Lars Korsell
Other information
© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2004

About the study

By means of a combination of on the one hand preventive measures, which include legislation, informational measures and controls, and on the other anti-crime measures, it is possible to substantially reduce the level of costs associated with economic crime. Studies have shown that a larger number of people today would like society to devote more resources to combating economic crime than was previously the case.

During the years 1998-2002, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet – BRÅ) provided funding to economic crime research in the amount of 26 million SEK, distributed across approximately thirty different projects. The National Council has further contributed to the development of a knowledge-bank in an area that had previously been neglected, has produced a handbook for police, prosecutors and tax-crime units that presents concrete examples of preventive methods, and has produced a handbook for Government, Parliament and agencies with a supervisory and control function, providing concrete examples of preventive regulations and methods.