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KRIS. A survey of the organisation Criminals' Return Into Society

English summary of Brå report 2003:7

The National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has surveyed the work of the four largest associations within the KRIS organisation.

    About the publication

    Åsa Frodlund
    Other information
    © Brottsförebyggande rådet 2003

    About the study

    The organisation known as KRIS (Criminals' Return Into Society), was formed in Stockholm in 1997 on the initiative of four individuals with a long history of involvement in crime and drug abuse. The basic idea was to form an association of people with similar experiences, which could provide a supportive network for individuals wishing to leave a life of crime and drug abuse behind them. By the spring of 2002, the national federation formed in 2000 had come to include 23 local KRIS-associations, divided into five different regions. The National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has surveyed the work of the four largest associations within the KRIS organisation.