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Police efforts to combat drug offending

Their extent, character and effects. English summary of Brå report 2003:12

An evaluation of the anti-drugs work carried out by the police, in order to see whether the resources involved are being used in a rational manner.

About the publication

Sven Granath, Daniel Svensson, Peter Lindström
Other information
© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2003
Report 2003:12

About the study

The police have become an increasingly central actor in the context of society’s work to reduce drug abuse. The Government Commission on Drug Issues has noted that control measures largely based on work carried out by the police have now come to dominate anti-drug work. Care and treatment based measures and preventive work have by contrast undergone extensive cut backs and have been given a much lower priority over the course of the 1990s. It is therefore important to chart and evaluate the anti-drugs work carried out by the police, not least in order to see whether the resources involved are being used in a rational manner.