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Environmental criminal law in practice

A study of how the legislation is applied. English summary of Brå report 2002:4

This report examines the question of how the criminal law works in practice as a means of controlling potentially harmful activities. The empirical data are in part comprised of a questionnaire survey of local authority supervisory agencies, county administrative boards, police and prosecutors, and in part on two further questionnaires.

About the publication

Helena du Rées
Other information
© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2002
Report 2002:10

About the study

This report examines the question of how the criminal law works in practice as a means of controlling potentially harmful activities. The empirical data are in part comprised of a questionnaire survey of local authority supervisory agencies, county administrative boards, police and prosecutors, and in part on two further questionnaires, the first distributed by the Office of the Prosecutor General to supervisory agencies and prosecutors, and the other distributed to the country’s police authorities by the National Police Board.