A selection of Brå's reports are translated into English, usually in the form of a summary of the original report.
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Police investigations of serious crimes and crimes against particularly vulnerable victims
Staff growth and investigative results. Interim report: Evaluation of the effort to increase the number of police employees by 10,000. English summary of Brå report 2014:9
Since 2021, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has been commissioned by the Government with evaluating the initiative for 10,000 more police employees. The initiative aims to increase the number of police employees by 10,000 over the period 2016-2024 (Ju2021/02238). This is the third interim report under the assignment and focuses specifically on the investigative activities.
Publicerad 2024-10-17
The police’s work in connection with profiling and equal treatment
With a focus on discriminatory and ethnic profiling. English summary of Brå report 2023:12
This report presents the results of Brå’s study on the police’s work in connection with profiling and equal treatment. The study stems from the Swedish Police Authority’s request for an independent party to investigate what this work looks like at different levels within the organisation. The aim of the report is to contribute towards the Authority’s development work within this area.
Publicerad 2023-12-01
Police resource allocation and staff growth
Interim report: Evaluation of the effort to increase the number of police employees by 10,000. English summary of Brå report 2023:2
How has the Police Authority organised and managed growth activities? Is the outcome so far in line with the government's goals and what factors might explain any shortcomings in goal fulfilment?
Publicerad 2023-03-15
Police forensic activities
Interim report: Evaluation of the effort to increase the number of police employees by 10,000. English summary of Brå report 2023:1
The purpose of this study is to report on the extent to which forensic activities have benefited from the government's investment in 10,000 more police employees, whether the increase in resources has contributed to better results and what remaining obstacles there are to achieve an efficient forensic process.
Publicerad 2023-02-07
Data breaches reported to the police
Offence characteristics, challenges, areas for development. English summary of report 2022:8
This report describes the types of data breach offence that are currently being reported to the police in Sweden and the difficulties that police and prosecutors face in investigating and prosecuting these offences, with a special focus on the more complex data breach offences.
Publicerad 2022-12-20
Body cameras
An evaluation of the pilot scheme in Police Region Stockholm
Brå has evaluated the pilot scheme and studied how the cameras are used, whether they contribute to fewer incidents involving threats, violence and harassment aimed at police officers, whether the officers change their use of police powers and the extent to which the footage is used as evidence in preliminary investigations and court cases.
Publicerad 2020-04-07
The police's work with police-citizen partnerships
Field studies from four areas in Sweden. English summary of Brå report 2018:14
Brå has followed the police-citizen partnership work in four selected areas and evaluated its performance. The purpose of the evaluation is to furnish the police with a picture of the police-citizen partnership work and provide guidance for future development and improvement of this work.
Publicerad 2019-01-29
Coordinated measures for clients on parole
An evaluation of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service's trial programme with reintegration groups
In April 2018, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service was commissioned by the government to conduct a trial programme with so-called reintegration groups. The purpose of the trial programme was that the probation service and other actors would be able to make plans at an early stage and facilitate the reintegration of clients into society by means of coordinated measures.
Publicerad 2021-03-30
Sharing information between police and social services in crime preventive work with children and young people
English summary of Brå report 2021:1
A study of the preconditions for sharing information between police, social services and other actors in order to prevent crime.
Publicerad 2021-03-10
An evaluation of the Swedish Police Authority's new scheduling model
In order to schedule working hours to better match operational needs, the police have developed a new scheduling model, referred to as 8+2. Brå has followed the pilot project in eight districts.
Publicerad 2020-10-08