Logotyp för Brå



A selection of Brå's reports are translated into English, usually in the form of a summary of the original report.

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  1. Swedish Crime Survey 2024

    English summary of Brå report 2024:8

    The main purpose of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) is to study trends in self-reported exposure to crime, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system and crime victims' contact with the criminal justice system in the Swedish population (16-84 years).

    Publicerad 2024-10-16

    • Bedrägeri
    • Bilbrott
    • Bostadsinbrott
    • Cykelstöld
    • Hot och trakasserier
    • Misshandel
    • Otrygghet och oro för brott
    • Sexualbrott
    • Skadegörelse och klotter
    • Stöld och snatteri
  2. Serious Violence at School

    A description of its extent, nature and developments through 2022. English summary of Brå report 2024:3

    This report studies the extent and development of serious school violence in order to improve the knowledge on violence in schools and strengthen crime prevention efforts.

    Publicerad 2024-08-27

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Brott mot barn
    • Misshandel
    • Skolan
  3. Swedish Crime Survey 2023

    English summary of Brå report 2023:9

    This summary presents the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) 2023. The results of the report are summarised and broken down into the following areas of inquiry: exposure to crime, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system, and crime victims' contact with the criminal justice system.

    Publicerad 2023-10-11

    • Bedrägeri
    • Bilbrott
    • Bostadsinbrott
    • Cykelstöld
    • Hot och trakasserier
    • Misshandel
    • Otrygghet och oro för brott
    • Sexualbrott
    • Skadegörelse och klotter
    • Stöld och snatteri
  4. Effects of the increase in the minimum sentence for violation of integrity offences

    English summary of the memorandum Effekter av straffskärpningen för fridskränkningsbrott

    The amendment of the provision regarding gross violation of a woman's integrity resulted in more stringent minimum penalties and an expansion of the types of acts that can together constitute a gross violation of integrity.

    Publicerad 2018-11-29

    • Hot och trakasserier
    • Misshandel
    • Våld i nära relationer
  5. Police working methods to prevent serial partner violence – focus on the perpetrator of violence

    English summary of Brå report 2017:13.

    One of the Swedish Government’s gender policy goals is to end men’s violence against women. The National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has studied police working methods for preventing men’s serial partner violence against women, as well as approaches and working methods aimed at persuading the perpetrators of violence to cease the violence.

    Publicerad 2018-02-06

    • Misshandel
    • Polisens arbete
    • Våld i nära relationer
  6. Has it become more difficult to obtain person-based clearances for fraud and assault?

    Interim report pursuant to the Government instruction regarding Performance in respect of investigation and prosecution. English summary of Brå report 2016:18

    Have criminal matters which the justice system has to handle become more difficult to clear, and if so, how has this affected the person-based clearance rate?

    Publicerad 2016-10-31

    • Bedrägeri
    • Misshandel
    • Rättsprocessen
  7. Assault offences against children aged 0–6 years

    Trends in reported offences to 2009. English summary of Brå report 2011:16

    A report on trends in reported assaults against children aged 0–6 years, during the period 2000–2009.

    Publicerad 2012-03-13

    • Brott mot barn
    • Misshandel
  8. Evaluation of the K-model

    English summary of Brå report 2009:5

    A report on how the police can work to prevent violence and alcohol abuse among young people.

    Publicerad 2010-12-29

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Misshandel
  9. Serious violence at school

    English summary of Brå report 2009:6

    This is a study of serious violent crime at Swedish schools. The focus of the report is directed at violence that commonly results in physical injury.

    Publicerad 2009-07-29

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Brott mot barn
    • Misshandel
    • Skolan
  10. Partner violence against women and men

    English summary of Brå report 2009:12

    The Swedish Crime Survey covers a broad range of issues. This report presents the overall results relating to victimization, fear of crime and public confidence in the criminal justice system.-

    Publicerad 2009-07-29

    • Misshandel
    • Våld i nära relationer