Logotyp för Brå



A selection of Brå's reports are translated into English, usually in the form of a summary of the original report.

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  1. Swedish Crime Survey 2024

    English summary of Brå report 2024:8

    The main purpose of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) is to study trends in self-reported exposure to crime, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system and crime victims' contact with the criminal justice system in the Swedish population (16-84 years).

    Publicerad 2024-10-16

    • Bedrägeri
    • Bilbrott
    • Bostadsinbrott
    • Cykelstöld
    • Hot och trakasserier
    • Misshandel
    • Otrygghet och oro för brott
    • Sexualbrott
    • Skadegörelse och klotter
    • Stöld och snatteri
  2. The Politician’s Safety Survey 2023

    English summary of Brå report 2023:14

    In the Politician’s Safety Survey, elected representatives in Sweden are asked to respond to questions concerning self-reported victimisation. This statistical report presents the overall results of the Politician’s Safety Survey (PTU) for the period 2012–2022.

    Publicerad 2023-11-16

    • Hot och trakasserier
  3. Swedish Crime Survey 2023

    English summary of Brå report 2023:9

    This summary presents the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) 2023. The results of the report are summarised and broken down into the following areas of inquiry: exposure to crime, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system, and crime victims' contact with the criminal justice system.

    Publicerad 2023-10-11

    • Bedrägeri
    • Bilbrott
    • Bostadsinbrott
    • Cykelstöld
    • Hot och trakasserier
    • Misshandel
    • Otrygghet och oro för brott
    • Sexualbrott
    • Skadegörelse och klotter
    • Stöld och snatteri
  4. Afrophobic hate crime

    English summary of Brå report 2022:7

    With the exception of hate crimes based on general xenophobic and racist motives, Afrophobia is the most common motive found among reported hate crimes in Sweden. Nevertheless, there is a lack of more detailed knowledge on Afrophobic hate crime. This report has been written at the instruction of the Swedish government, to develop the knowledge base on Afrophobic hate crime in order to improve the opportunities to prevent these offences.

    Publicerad 2022-11-24

    • Hatbrott
    • Hot och trakasserier
  5. The Politician's Safety Survey 2021

    English summary of Brå report 2021:13

    This summary presents the overall results of the Politician’s Safety Survey (PTU), 2012–2020. The purpose of the Politician's Safety Survey is to measure the extent and consequences of harassment, threats, and violence experienced by elected representatives who are exposed in their capacity as elected representatives.

    Publicerad 2021-10-28

    • Hot och trakasserier
  6. Invasive photography

    An evaluation of the implementation of the law. English summary of Brå report 2019:7

    A study of how the law on photographic activity constituting invasion of privacy is applied in the Swedish criminal justice system.

    Publicerad 2019-06-25

    • Hot och trakasserier
  7. Effects of the increase in the minimum sentence for violation of integrity offences

    English summary of the memorandum Effekter av straffskärpningen för fridskränkningsbrott

    The amendment of the provision regarding gross violation of a woman's integrity resulted in more stringent minimum penalties and an expansion of the types of acts that can together constitute a gross violation of integrity.

    Publicerad 2018-11-29

    • Hot och trakasserier
    • Misshandel
    • Våld i nära relationer
  8. The Politician’s Safety Survey 2017

    English summary of Brå report 2017:9

    The Politician’s Safety Survey (PTU) measures the extent and consequences of harassment, threats, and violence experienced by elected representatives who are exposed in their capacity as elected representatives.

    Publicerad 2017-11-09

    • Hot och trakasserier
  9. Unlawful influence on public agency personnel

    English summary of Brå report 2016:13

    The study addresses unlawful influence from external customers and clients, i.e. harassment, threats, violence, vandalism, and corruption where the victim perceives the purpose being to influence the discharge of official duties.

    Publicerad 2017-07-03

    • Hot och trakasserier
    • Otillåten påverkan
  10. Unlawful influence on Swedish Migration Authority personnel

    English summary of Brå report 2016:14

    This report addresses how the Swedish Migration Agency and its personnel are subject to unlawful influence.

    Publicerad 2017-07-03

    • Hot och trakasserier
    • Otillåten påverkan