Logotyp för Brå



A selection of Brå's reports are translated into English, usually in the form of a summary of the original report.

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  1. School Survey on Crime 2023

    On crime victimisation and participation in crime. English summary of Brå report 2024:10

    The overall purpose of this survey is to describe trends over time in self-reported exposure to crime and participation in crime among students attending lower-secondary schools in year 9.

    Publicerad 2024-11-01

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Otrygghet och oro för brott
    • Skolan
  2. Serious Violence at School

    A description of its extent, nature and developments through 2022. English summary of Brå report 2024:3

    This report studies the extent and development of serious school violence in order to improve the knowledge on violence in schools and strengthen crime prevention efforts.

    Publicerad 2024-08-27

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Brott mot barn
    • Misshandel
    • Skolan
  3. School Survey on Crime 2021

    On crime victimisation and participation in crime. English summary of Brå report 2022:5

    The overall purpose of this survey is to describe trends over time in self-reported exposure to crime and participation in crime among students in year 9. Year 9 is the final year of compulsory education in Sweden, with students aged 15–16. The report is descriptive in nature and therefore does not provide answers as to underlying factors behind being a victim of crime or committing crime. More detailed analyses and explanations of the results may instead be presented in other more in-depth studies.

    Publicerad 2022-10-27

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Otrygghet och oro för brott
    • Skolan
  4. Youth intimate partner violence

    Preventing intimate partner violence among young people may be viewed as part of a broader field of violence prevention.

    Publicerad 2022-04-21

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Våld i nära relationer
  5. Strategic offences among youth in the 2010s

    Factors of significance for desistance from crime. English summary of report 2021:5

    In this report, Brå continues with the study of so-called strategic offences – i.e. the offence types in a debut conviction that best predict continued high-frequency offending.

    Publicerad 2022-03-10

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
  6. Youth robberies

    A review of the current situation and development. English summary of report 2021:19

    This report shows that the number of reported robberies against people under 18 as well as the self-reported exposure to robbery among young people have both increased in recent years.

    Publicerad 2022-01-28

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Rån
  7. Coordinated measures for clients on parole

    An evaluation of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service's trial programme with reintegration groups

    In April 2018, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service was commissioned by the government to conduct a trial programme with so-called reintegration groups. The purpose of the trial programme was that the probation service and other actors would be able to make plans at an early stage and facilitate the reintegration of clients into society by means of coordinated measures.

    Publicerad 2021-03-30

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Fängelse, frivård och häkte
    • Polisens arbete
    • Rättsprocessen
  8. Sharing information between police and social services in crime preventive work with children and young people

    English summary of Brå report 2021:1

    A study of the preconditions for sharing information between police, social services and other actors in order to prevent crime.

    Publicerad 2021-03-10

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Polisens arbete
    • Rättsprocessen
  9. School Survey on Crime 2019

    On crime victimisation and participation in crime

    This summary presents the overall results of the School Survey on Crime 2019. The overall purpose of this survey is to describe trends in self-reported exposure to crime and participation in crime among students in year 9, which is the last year of compulsory education in Sweden with students aged 15–16.

    Publicerad 2020-11-20

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet
    • Otrygghet och oro för brott
    • Skolan
  10. Treatment effectiveness in secure corrections of serious (violent or chronic) juvenile offenders

    The potential gains from treatment programs for juvenile offenders are of significant interest to the crime policy debate. This is even more the case if the youths in question have been placed in secure correctional facilities.

    Publicerad 2010-06-09

    • Barn och ungas brottslighet