A model for monitoring the authorities responsible for the criminal justice process
Part 2: Focus on indicators. English Summary of report 2022:11
It is very much in the public interest that government authorities operate effectively and that their work is of high quality and makes efficient use of public resources. To ensure this, their performance and mutual interactions need to be monitored regularly by both the government and the authorities themselves.
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- © Brottsförebyggande rådet 2022
- urn:nbn:se:bra-1119
- Report 2022:11
About the report
In its appropriation directions for 2017, Brå was commissioned by the government to propose a model for monitoring the work of the authorities responsible for the criminal justice process, among other things in order to more accurately follow up their performance and the relevance of their work. The proposed model was presented in the report En modell för uppföljning av rättskedjans myndigheter. En idéskiss. (A model for following up the authorities responsible for the criminal justice process. A draft proposal). (Brå 2018). The report included a set of indicators that were considered to reflect the authorities' performance in a fair manner. In 2021, Brå was commissioned by the government (Ju2018/04100) to further develop the proposed model.