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Youth intimate partner violence

Preventing intimate partner violence among young people may be viewed as part of a broader field of violence prevention.

Such prevention might involve universal interventions (targeting all young people, regardless of their risk of perpetration or exposure to violence), selective interventions (targeting groups with a heightened risk of victimisation or perpetration) or indicated interventions (focusing on treatment, protection, support and relapse prevention for those who have already experienced violence).

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About the publication

Monika Sellgren Karlsson and Lisa Westfelt
Other information
© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2022
Report 2021:15

About the study

The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has been instructed by the government to study what measures can be taken in society to combat intimate partner violence (IPV) among young people. Brå was instructed to describe the causal mechanisms behind such violence, identify preventive and supportive measures and highlight gaps in the knowledge in this area on the basis of Swedish and international research. Brå was also instructed to propose strategic measures to improve society’s capacity to prevent youth intimate partner violence. In conducting the study, Brå was also instructed to collect the knowledge and experiences of relevant civil society organisations, agencies and other actors, to include a LGBTQI and children’s rights perspective, and to take the views and experiences of children and young people into account. The government’s intention was that Brå’s study would improve the knowledge base as a means of strengthening preventive and supportive measures to combat intimate partner violence among young people.

Brå’s assessment

Brå has identified a number of areas in which society’s initiatives and measures can be strengthened in order to improve the work to combat IPV among young people. Within these areas, Brå has listed a number of measures that may be viewed as urgent.

  • Make violence in young people’s relationships visible
  • Boost universal initiatives for broad target groups
  • Improve selective interventions for risk groups
  • Improve the likelihood of detection through routine questions
  • Strengthen the work focused on indicated interventions
  • Specific measures and initiatives needed for young LGBTQI people and particularly vulnerable groups
  • Strengthen the work of the justice system to combat intimate partner violence among young people