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Crime trends in Sweden until 2015

English summary of Brå report 2017:5

Crime Trends is a compendium of Brå's assessment of trends and changes in criminal behaviour over time. Knowledge from reports and statistics – published primarily by Brå, as well as by other participants in the criminal policy arena – is compiled in the report.

    About the publication

    Other information
    © Brottsförebyggande rådet 2017
    Report 2017:5

    About the study

    Since 1976, Brå has published the Crime Trends in Sweden report series for the purpose of providing a current view of the trends and structure of the main types of offences. The most recent report contains descriptions and analyses of a number of types of offences until 2015. This pamphlet contains a selection of all of the information regarding crime and criminality which you can read in the report.

    The primary selection of the types of offences or groups of offences which are included is made from among offences which are serious and/or have many victims.

    The focus in this report is on the 21st century and issues regarding change in the scope and structure of criminality, who the perpetrators are, who the victims are, administration by the criminal justice system, and the crime prevention and criminal policy measures which are employed.