Logotyp för Brå


Swedish Crime Survey 2016

English summary of Brå report 2017:1

This report presents the overall results of the 2016 Swedish Crime Survey (Nationella trygghetsundersökningen, NTU, in Swedish). The survey covers exposure to crime, insecurity, trust in the criminal justice system, and victims’ contacts with the justice system.

About the publication

Carl Command, Emelie Hambrook, Sanna Wallin, Sara Westerberg, Åsa Irlander Strid and Thomas Hvitfeldt
Other information
© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2017
Report 2017:1

About the study

Approximately 11,900 persons responded to the questions, which is a 60 per cent response rate to the survey. The vast majority participated through telephone interviews, but a smaller percentage participated through posted questionnaires or Internet questionnaires. The results of the report are summarised below, broken down into five overall objectives: exposure to crime, fear of crime, public confidence in the criminal justice system, and crime victims’ contacts with the criminal justice system.