Swedish Crime Survey 2021

English summary of Brå report 2021:11

This summary presents the overall results of the Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) 2021. The results of the report are summarised and broken down into the following areas of inquiry: victimisation, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system, and crime victims' contact with the criminal justice system.

Citizens’ victimisation, fear of crime, confidence in the criminal justice system and crime victims’ contact with the criminal justice system have long been a focus of Swedish crime policy. Therefore, detailed knowledge of which groups are victims more than others, which groups are adversely affected by fear of crime, and public confidence in the criminal justice system are of value to crime policy makers. The Swedish Crime Survey is an important source of information for this purpose.

Exposure to crime

Confidence in the judiciary

Insecurity and concern for crime

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Author: Johanna Viberg

© Brottsförebyggande rådet 2024


Report 2021

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