Swedish Crime Survey 2015

Unlawful influence on public agency personnel

English summary of Brå report 2016:13

The study addresses unlawful influence from external customers and clients, i.e. harassment, threats, violence, vandalism, and corruption where the victim perceives the purpose being to influence the discharge of official duties.

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This study is based on a survey directed to all civil servants at the Swedish Public Employment Service, the Swedish Courts, the Swedish Economic Crime Authority, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, the Chancellor of Justice, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, the Swedish Enforcement Authority, the Swedish Coast Guard, the Swedish Migration Agency, the Swedish Police Authority, the Swedish Customs, the Swedish Prosecution Authority, ST’s Unemployment Insurance Fund, and IF Metall’s Unemployment Insurance Fund. Lay judges were also included in the study.

This is both a form of follow-up on, and an expansion of, a previous study from 2005 (Brå 2005:18). The nature of the expansion is that this survey is significantly larger, both in terms of the number of respondents and the number of investigated organisations.

Original report, in Swedish: Otillåten påverkan mot myndighetspersoner (2016:13)

© The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, 2017
Authors: Johanna Skinnari, Karolina Hurve and Anna Jonsson


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