Cover: Stalking in Sweden

Stalking in Sweden

Prevalence and prevention
A report on the prevalence and prevention of stalking.
There are people who are repeatedly harassed or persecuted by another person, who threatens them, makes unwelcome visits, phones repeatedly and sends letters or e-mails with offensive contents. This is stalking.
ISBN: 91-85664-50-2
Price for publication 130 SEK incl. VAT

How common is it?

The problem has received increasing attention in recent years, both internationally and in Sweden. In order to obtain a better picture of how common stalking is in Sweden and what can be done to prevent it and combat it, the National Council was commissioned by the Swedish government in summer 2005 to produce an information base for stalking.

The report was to include a description of the situation both in Sweden and abroad. The report was presented in February 2006. In order that people outside Sweden could read the study, the National Council is having parts of the report translated into English. The translation includes a comprehensive study of stalking prevalence, descriptions of legislation and measures taken by the Swedish legal system.

Facts about the publication

© The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, 2006
Authors: Anna Mia Dovelius, Jonas Öberg, Stina Holmberg


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