Persons suspected of offences

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Persons suspected of offences

The statistics of persons suspected of offences is based on the persons registered by Swedish Police, Swedish Custom and Swedish Prosecution Authority as suspected of offences. The statistics gives an overview of the number of people suspected of offences in Sweden, type of crime and how the persons are distributed by sex and age. The statistics do not include persons who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility (15 years).

Summary of the results 2023

In 2023, 194,503 persons were suspected of offences, which was 3 per cent higher than in 2022. In comparison with 2014, the total number of suspects has increased by 11 per cent in 2023.

Of the persons suspected of offences in 2023, 45,130 were women and 148,828 men, which gave a sex distribution of 23 per cent women and 77 per cent men (same sex distribution as in 2022). Compared with 2022, the number of women suspected of offences in 2023 increased by 5 per cent and the number of suspected men by 2 per cent. In comparison with 2014, the number of suspected women has increased by 23 per cent 2023, while the number of suspected men has increased by 8 per cent.

In 2023, 42 per cent of the persons suspected of offences were under the age of 30 at the time of the crime. Young people (15–20 years) accounted for 19 per cent of all suspects. An equal proportion (19%) were aged 50 or older. The largest proportion of suspects was found in the age range 30–49 years (39%). The age distribution was similar for suspect women and suspect men in 2023.

Of the persons suspected of offences in 2023, 34 per cent were suspected of crimes against persons, 29 per cent of drug offenses, 18 per cent of traffic offenses and 15 per cent of theft offenses. Smaller proportions, of 9 and 5 percent, respectively, were suspected of fraud and criminal damage. Compared with 2022, the number of suspects increased for crimes against persons, theft offenses and drug offenses in 2023. The number of suspects decreased for fraud, criminal damage and traffic offenses compared with 2022.